Wednesday 20 January 2010

My Love for books

Ever since I can remember , have loved to read and collect books . It started at the age of 5 when my baby brother was born and i was packed of to live at my aunt's place for some 15 days. My cousin introduced me to a world of books , Enid Blyton's Bimbo and Topsy , one of the first books that i read.... I guess i could say my love for books started then, and ever since then and in the past twenty years , having read over 2000 books , was always searching for one word which would describe this attraction i had towards not just the reading beacuse that can be done nowadays through the internet , but the actual holding of the book , the owning it, coveting it and collecting it religiously, I have hereby termed myself a Bibliophile.

Bibliophilia is the love of books . The classic bibliophile is one who loves to read, collect or admire books , often amassing great collections. I can relate to that since i hate to throw away even the smallest of books magazines, its been a dream to have a library of my own

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Good Byes

When your soul decides to wander
through the gazeless skies
do not rent asunder those fathomless cries
the tears sweep down in quiet restraint
the fear sweeps through
yet you remain
Ever wonder why this happens each time
though you know its not you
who said good bye.......

Originally written long time ago.. posted it before on another blog but forgot password so i am copying all my work onto this one .... This poem is now in print ...
Published by United Press Limited
United Kingdom
in the book "Whispers on the Breeze"
Hope it brings pleasure to all who read it.....