Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Salaah is a Small Islam

It was amazing to read the paralells in this piece of work , i would love to share with you. I was reading this book my daughter 'Bedtime Stories' compiled by Maulana Muhammad Ahmed Khan and translated by Mufti Afzal hoosen Elias from Darul Huda Publications .

Salah is a small Islam.

This means that there is a bit of every other type of Ibadaah in salah. we can see the impotance of salah when we realise that whereas all forms of ibadah were made fard on earth, Rasulullah (saw) was called to the heavens when salaah was made fard.
The forms of ibadah that are found in salah are :

1. Fasting : Just as a person does not eat or drink when fasting, he also does not eat or drink when performing salaah.

2. Zakaah: By paying zakah , love for the world leaves the heart and Halaal wealth becomes pure. For salah, the body, clothing and place of salah have to be made pure too.

3.Hajj: Just as people have to go towards Kabaah for Hajj, they all have to face the Kabaah in salah.

4:Qurbani: Just as people sacrifice animals on Eidul Adha, they sacrifice the honour of thier foreheads in salah by placing it on the ground in front of Allah.

5.I'tikaaf: Just as people remain in the masjid during I'tikaaf and stop themselves from talking and going around and about, they also remain in one place when performing salaah and do not talk or move about.

In the salaah that the best of creations has recieved , we find the collective acts of worship of all the creations.

1. Just like the angels:

  • Just as the angels recide durood for Rasulullah(saw) we also recite durood .

  • Just as the angels recite tasbeeh for Allah and praise Him, we also recite surah fatiha in salaah and the Tasbeeh in Ruku and Sajdah.

  • Just as the angels make dua for the people on earth, we give the angels duas of peace when we make salam at the end of salaah.

  • The angels amke ruku and sujood so do we.

  • Just as the angels are standing before allah all the time , we also stand in Qiyaan in salaah.

2: Just like the trees in Qiyaam : Just as the trees stand straight we also stand straight in qiyaam

3:Just like the Mountains in Tashahhus: Just as the mountains are seemingly sitting down, we also sit in salaah.

4: Just like the animals in ruku: Just liuke the animals are bowed down on four legs, we too bow in ruku.

5:Just like the fish and reptiles in sajdah: Just as the fish and reptiles are in a lying down postion all the time , we too go down in sajdah in salaah.

We there fore see that just as manis the best of creations his Ibaah is also the best because it includes the Ibadaah of all the creations.

Beautifull Paralells isnt it.