Thursday, 11 February 2016

Glory be

I am numb
The shock sets in
The pain recedes 
The words dry up
My mind is blank
My heart speaks in
Torrential rain
Each drop that falls
Painstakingly plain
The road ahead is bare desolate
The path strewn with pleasure and hate
It is what grows and festers inside
The hollow cave in my chest that lies , barren and cold, empty and sore, 
Throbbing with hurt and tales untold, the dreams have slept, the light has gone, the twinkling has ceased forever, no more. 
There is only one hope that shines , 
I know my Lord is supremely kind. I await his blessings on me divine, to banish this demon that resides in me, this emptiness that surrounds me, and fill my world with wonders and glee, in my two hearts happiness i seek, Glory Be unto Him O'Glory Be. 

Ode to expression

Ode To Expressions

By Madiha Naeem
To say what is in my heart. 
Is a desire I suppress. 
The way that you inspire me. 
Even poetry cannot express. 
The stars don't shine enough, 
To describe the sparkle in your eyes. 
Not a million clustered together. 
Through infinite number of skies. 
Why can I see the sunrise 
In a single grain of sand? 
Only if you've loved, 
Can you ever understand. 
My enemy is time, 
Like a candle burning hot. 
Melting quickly when I'm with you, 
And slowly when I'm not. 
If ever I dare to ponder 
This liaison we secure. 
I find a bizzare perfection 
which is best if left obscure.

A child an orphan

A Child an Orphan

By Madiha Idrees
Tear filled eyes 
And tortured emotions 
Battered thoughts 
confused commotion 
in my heart. 
No one understands 
what goes on with in me 
Tear streaked cheeks 
I'm craving devotion. 
The misplaced smile 
Those truthful lies 
I want love not 
fake devotion. 
Smoldering embers 
of fiery anguish 
I am a child in 
a wrecked position.

Written in 2001



By Madiha Idrees Motiwala
Every corner is taken 
Every crevice is filled 
with memories of happiness, 
sorrow and guilt. 
\The endless trickle 
of emotional treasure 
The harmony of jealousy, 
content and pleasure. 
\Bleeding in pain 
or hammering in surprise 
My heart throbs in 
continous disguise.

Written in 2000

Crying heart

Crying Heart

Lingering doubts 
cloud my mind 
at thoughts of all 
thats left behind. 
\The searing pain 
of love thats lost 
The treasured tears 
that know no cost. 
\The mind decieves 
The soul derives 
from the fathomless torture 
of the heart that cries.

Written 1999